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Empowering Women Everywhere!

You. Are. Capable. Brave. Free.

There are a lot of amazing business owners that aren't female. There's a lot of amazing humans that aren't female. But for our women, we are committed to showing up for them in a special way.


Women have not had the same access to being empowered through outdoor experiences like men have. This is such a loss because we know* that developing confidence, creativity, and decision making skills are cognitive functions that are accelerated during these types of activity. It is also one of the biggest sources of natural de-stressors for our overstimulated and overly stressed lives as we navigate a variety of challenges.


We intentionally have created a space just for you- even if you're not an "outdoors" girl and never want to be. You are welcome here, and we have trips designed for women who want to accelerate their best responses to adversity and the unknown.


*scientifically proven


You can take a look here for development trips that are identified as women only!

How to know if you're a Wild Woman:

Enough second guessing. Enough playing small. Enough fearing failure. Enough playing a role for someone else. I lived that way for too long until I gave myself permission to use my brain, my talents, and my voice.

YOU are wildly capable, wildly brave, and wildly free. Maybe you ask, is it worth it? Is it worth making people uncomfortable? Maybe you ask if you're truly capable? Maybe you wonder if it is worth risking rejection? Maybe you think "I'll just find ways to be content where I'm at".

But you'll know if you're a wild woman, because there are moments. Small ones. Where you ask yourself if you're meeting your potential. Where you ask what your purpose is here on earth. Where you find solutions that no one else sees. Where you create ideas that you keep inside. Where you yearn for freedom from this tiny fraction of yourself.

That means you're a wild one. A mover and a shaker. A changer. I helper. A transformer. A force. Maybe not now. Maybe you've never given yourself permission to be. I understand.

I did too, until little by little, I started testing my strength. I started taking small leaps. I allowed myself to fail. I allowed myself to set boundaries to protect myself. I started growing my ability to silence the voices that were not my own. I started finding others who were shining brightly too.

I stayed kind, I worked hard. Was it worth it? For me? Every. Freaking. Day. I'm ALIVE and living my best life, and that is what I want for every other woman that I know.

But is it worth it for you? Only you know. Only you know if you're a wild one.

Maybe you don't feel wildly capable right now. Maybe you don't feel wildly brave. Maybe not now, but that is why we practice. That is why we train. That is why we gather.

Because sometimes we just need to be reminded that it's okay to be strong. It's okay to be capable. It's okay to be wild. And there is nothing in the world like being wildly free to be yourself.

More Cool Woman Owned Businesses:

If you're looking for more ways to support brave, capable women leading their industries, take a look at some of these incredible business opportunities for you!

Exit Planning:
Keye Logo.webp
CPA: Rohloff Associates
Wealth Management
Moxie Wealth.png
Know an Outstanding Woman Owned Business?

Let us know about them and their business so we can help promote them!

Thank you for letting us know about this amazing business! We will be in touch with the owner!

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