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Paving Paths For Others
We believe that businesses can change the world.

Boardrooms Without Borders has been designed as an innovative workplace solution to meet the growing demand for meaningful work within corporate jobs.


Employees across the board are showing they will take significant pay cuts for jobs that offer a sense of contribution to society. High performers are leaving companies for something that has more purpose. This is causing businesses to rethink the way they engage + retain employees.


These trips are part humanitarian, part leadership development, and part powerful, shared experiences. There is nothing like this that currently exists, and we are excited to partner with innovative leadership teams that see what we can accomplish together!


We have a variety of locations and non-profits with upcoming projects that we have committed to championing. The sooner we work together, the sooner we start impacting the world, and your organization.


Short term trips. Long term impact.


corporate social responsibility solutions minnesota
Values based companies perform better

Areas of Focus

  • Sustainable food & water supply
    • ​​​We address sustainable food & water initiatives by working with local non-profits who will continue maintaining & educating long after our teams have completed the projects
  • Basic human needs

    • ​We realize that there are many factors that make up basic human needs & do our best to help local partners carry the burden of financial & manpower initiatives.

    • Key projects close to our heart are: shelter for rescued children from sex trafficking, clothing, medical care, and more.

  • Education

    • ​Education is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our beautiful fellow humans. We have a surplus of access & resources, and it is our goal to utilize those gifts. We partner with local organizations that work on education through a variety of methods including teaching computer skills, basic education & employability skill post-trauma for re-integration to society.


Each trip is designed to be incredibly fun and adventurous, but also introduce participants to the local places & people that they directly impact.

How It Works

1. Pick Your Project:

We have identified some really great non-profits to support and will work to match you with one that aligns with your organization's passion.


You will receive a proposal for the project and a price per person for your team.


The project costs will be funded by your company (separate from the team costs) and start at $10,000.​​


2. Finalize Your Benefit

After you have reserved your trip, our account manager will schedule a meeting with you to review the details of your trip & offer you additional options to customize it further.


3. Choose Your Team

You might choose to offer this like an employee benefit, where employees can enroll. You might want to send your leadership team for a high-impact team building retreat. You might want to offer this in lieu of an incentive trip.


Whichever way you decide to split it, we will work with you to get creative in the ways that we change the world together.


4. Let us handle the rest

We save companies valuable hours & dollars because we have the systems in place to efficiently handle the logistics.


From the time your team lands, to the time they leave, we will create + facilitate the entire experience.

ideas for corporate social responsibility

Projects + Partners

Our non-profit partners are all working diligently to tackle issues that contribute to long-term solutions. We have asked them what their top needs are, and we hire locals to work with us to help our teams effectively implement + move projects forward.

Costa Rica

A child sex trafficking rescue organization is building a holistic retreat + recovery center that will house + heal up to 100 girls.


A brave organization is working with children in the streets to help them find refuge + educational lessons within a safe space.


This incredible non-profit is single-handedly transforming entire villages: from teaching would-be drug traffickers how to earn an honorable living by welding, to helping get fresh water to groups of people for the first time, this organization is doing essential work.

We Believe:

We believe that successful businesses can change the world.

We will create opportunities for everyone to do good.

We are committed to lowering barriers to experiences that transform.

We believe in empowering and cheering on humanity.

We believe in thinking differently.

We lead differently.

We are taking action.

We are part of creating a better world.

We believe that it starts 

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